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Youth Minyan

Tif Youth Minyan Sponsorship

Youth Minyan gives our children the opportunity to be involved in running a minyan, gain new skills, and meet boys their age. The monthly minyan includes divrei Torah and an exclusive kiddush. 

By sponsoring the kiddush, you encourage our youth to learn critical leadership skills our kehilah needs for the future. Sponsor a Youth Minyan kiddush in honor of a birthday, Bar Mitzvah anniversary, Siyum, outstanding report card, or any other reason. All sponsorships will be publicly acknowledged (and if you have a son in the Minyan, he will receive an aliyah).

Thank you in advance for your support!

Youth interested in participating in the Youth Minyan must register by filling out this form.

For questions or more information, please contact Rabbi Eisenberg at

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785