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Tifereth Israel Member Shabbaton
February 7th and 8th

Members of the Shul are invited to a Shabbaton, a chance to come together as a community l'kavod Shabbos. We will eat together in the Shul on Friday night. Shabbos day meal will be hosted by members of the kehilla.

The cost to participate in the Friday night meal in the Shul is as follows:
$25 per adult and $20 per child (aged 3 to 10) or $120 family max

Please use the form below to sign up for meals in the Shul on Friday night and to let us know if you can volunteer to host or wish to be hosted for Shabbos day lunch.

All submissions must be in by Sunday, February 2nd. Space is limited for the Friday night meal, so please reserve early.

For any questions, please email

Candle lighting in the ballroom: 5:03pm
Kiddush: 6:15pm
Meal ends: 8:15pm (all are welcome to remain longer and shmooze)


Sun, January 26 2025 26 Teves 5785